1 | Storm/Surface Water Control Design & Construct | Public Works & All other Divisions | - Funded $230,000 by USACE in 2017 to complete the study and planning phase - Funded $150,000 from 2018 NM State Legislature-Preliminary Design - Funded $1M-2019 Capital Outlay | The planning phase to be completed in 2019. Preliminary Design of Critical areas to be completed in 2020-2022 | Up to $5,000,000 to Construct (estimate; actual cost to be determined during planning phase) |
2 | Education Complex-Community/Community Wellness Center Construct |
Education | $155,000 – Funded by 2015 TIF Grant application. Design 100% complete (shovel ready) | Seek construction funding from multiple agencies. | $2,178,975 for Construction Engineers Estimate by Buffalo Design Inc |
3 | Outdoor Rec-Facility Construct |
Education | $112,000 – Funded by 2015 NM State Legislature-Capital Outlay Design 100% completed in 2016 (shovel ready) $810,059-Funded 2019 Capital Outlay -construction | Seek construction funding from multiple agencies | $2,840,236 for Construction. Engineers Estimate by Anchor Engineering |
4 | Hwy 68/PoPay Ave Intersection Improvements Design & Const | Public Works Division Planning Department | $45,000 – Funded - Safety Application FHWA for RSA. RSA completed in 2017. Tribal Council has approved the roundabout as the alternative | Planning is completed. Project to be included with the NMDOT planning study on NM68 | $182,000-Design $1,300,000 Const |
5 | Teen Center
Design & Construct |
Education Boys & Girls Club | B&G Club has completed the planning phase with conceptual design completed by Buffalo Design Inc | Planning has been completed by the B&G Club. Apply for Design Funding. | $155,000 design $1,500,000 Const Estimate provided by Buffalo Design Inc |
6 | Phase III Waterline
Construct |
Planning | $2M funded by USDA for Construction $1,458,128 funded by 2019 TIF for completion | Project was replaced on the 2019 ICIP to apply for TIF; TIF has been funded and project can be removed from the ICIP | $3,458,128 COMPLETELY FUNDED |
7 | Head Start/Early HS
Planning |
Education Head Start | $125,000 grant application to TIF in 2016 and in 2017– Not Funded | Head Start Program is seeking funding through the National Indian Head Start Program | $125,000 for planning new facility |
8 | Wastewater Treatment Facility
Design |
Public Works Division Utilities | $103,750 – Funded by 2014 Capital Outlay $150,000 – Funded by 2014 TIF Grant Application Planning Phase (PER & Environmental) 100% | USDA Rural Development grant/loan program for design and construction submitted on 10-11-18 FOR $2M | Phase I - $3,524,674 (includes design, engineering & Construction). Engineers Estimate donated by Wilson |
9 | Alternative Solar Energy
Construct |
Public Works Division Planning | Design donated by Brycon Inc. (shovel ready) | Seek funding from Tribal DOE Set-Aside program | $748,551 - construction |
10 | Heavy Equipment Equip |
Public Works Division Planning Department |
Request in ICIP for $450,000 for grader/front end loader and tractor | Planning Dept to seek additional funding or donations. Appropriate for Capital Outlay Request | $450,000(tractor with mower,grader) |
11 | Regional Detention Center Planning |
Public Safety Division | New project (added to ICIP in 2016) – Planning - $125,000 | Seek planning funding (needs analysis, etc to be performed first for regional need) | To be determined once planning is complete |
12 | Multiple Acequia Improvements |
Natural Resources Division | BOR has funded most of this project | Funding will be for the head gate and acequia madre. Recommend Capital Outlay Request (not TIF) | |
13 | Health Center Planning |
Social Services Division | New Project-added to ICIP in 2017 - Renovations | Social Services to assist with project development & identifying funding | $255,000- planning and Design |
14 | First Capital Heritage Center & Museum |
Education | Preliminary and Museum Master Plan completed with $155k in funding from IMLS | Tribal Council to determine location (alternatives are in the plan). | Seek funding for design/construction once Council has selected alternative |
15 | Housing infrast Development PH-2 Plan, Design, Construct |
Housing | Applied for TIF Construction funding in 2014 for Phase I -Not Funded Still need Phase II funding |
Housing is not yet ready to apply for any funding | ICDBG application is being submitted 8-2019 |
16 | Veterans Service Office Design & Renovate |
Social Services Division Veterans Program | Renovations - $255,000 | Seek funding to design and renovate | $10,000- design $245,000- renovate Rough estimates provided by Anchor Engineering |