Basic Services

    • Preparation of documents on land assignments, transfers and sales.
    • Conduct research on land assignments.

New Ohkay Owingeh Land Assignment Ordinance

  • Issue Business License
  • Mediate Land Disputes among tribal members.
  • Arrange and coordinate land surveys with Tribal GIS Office and Private Surveyors.
  • Prepare and monitor lease documents involving tribal members, businesses and pueblo entities.
  • Assist tribal members with acquiring the documents needed for the HUD 184 loans, which include but not limited to Residential Leases, Title Status Reports etc.

Basic Rules

  • Tribal members cannot rent their home or assigned farm land to a non-tribal members without the express permission of the Tribal Council.
  • Houses and/or mobile homes are no longer allowed to be placed on farm land (ref: Resolution 2000-11, 1992 and 1994 memo).
  • Non-Indians can reside on Ohkay Owingeh land only by the permission of the Tribal Council.
  • Land Transfers, sale of land between tribal members must be approved by the Tribal Council.
  • Prior to purchasing a mobile home please contact our office.

New Ohkay Owingeh Land Assignment Ordinance


Transfers, per Section 5.4 of OO Land Assignment and Eminent Domain

162 Ohkay Bupingeh, Section 14, Twn. 21 N., Range 8 E., NMPM – all within the San Juan Land Grant, Ohkay Owingeh, NM

191 South Yucca Street – .25 acres more or less, Section 23, Twn. 21N., Range 8 E., NMPM – all within the San Juan Pueblo Grant, Ohkay Owingeh, NM

Units 419 – 427. PC 6 P1

Units 428 – 436 and 551 – 564. PC 10 P1

CHRISTY MEDINA Ohkay Owingeh Realty Manager

(505) 852-4211
DANIEL MAES Ohkay Owingeh Realty Technician

(505) 852-4211


PO Box 1532
Ohkay Owingeh, NM 87566

Phone (505) 852-4211


8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Physical Location