The Native American pueblo of Ohkay Owingeh in New Mexico unites to save ancient dwellings that help form the foundation of its cultural traditions.
“What we were really trying to preserve is our culture.”
-Tomasita Duran
Local children play in the public areas at sunset.
Avanyu General Contracting’s Tony Marquez, a member of a nearby pueblo, puts the + finishing touches on a door for a rehabbed dwelling.
The Honorable Marcelino Aguino, governor of Ohkay Owingeh, left, with Tomasita Duran, executive director of the Ohkay Owingeh Housing Authority, and architect Shawn Evans.
Children from the community play among renovated dwellings in one of the four plazas.
Local children gather in the pueblo's public areas.
Tribal member and artist Jeff Aguino and his wife and granddaughter prepare for dinner in the family’s newly rehabbed house.