To request a ride from Po'Pay Messenger please call dispatch at (505)852-4014. All rides are based on a first come first serve basis.

Events Calender



Closed for Thanksgiving Break

popay messenger - Transit Program

  • Ohkay Owingeh, located in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, operates a transit system (the PoPay Messenger). The Tribe provides a Demand Response transit system to its membership consisting of 2940 enrolled Tribal Members and 11,500 non-Indian Community Members living within the confines of Ohkay Owingeh. The four counties served in the program covers 10,079 miles; the primary service area is 4000 square miles.
  • Due to the Community’s lack of resources and the number of low income families and individuals, there is no charge for the demand services. It is critical that Tribal Members have access to essential services available on and off the Reservation. According to the 2012 US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ohkay Owingeh has a 14.2% unemployment rate, and 11.7% of all families live under poverty level.
  • In 2016 a comprehensive planning approach was completed which included approval of a Long Range Transportation Plan, a Community Needs Assessment with measurable results, and priorities from the Ohkay Owingeh Tribal Council.
  • The attached Resolution shows the Tribal Council’s Commitment for this needed program in the Ohkay Owingeh Community. The Tribe has the financial and technical capacity to implement and sustain the PoPay Messenger Transit Program.
  • The intent of the program is to create an independent and self-sustaining environment to the Ohkay Owingeh community by creating mobility and confidence to and from work, medical appointments, senior personal care, schooling, and social service necessities.
  • The new Po’Pay Messenger Transit Facility has been completed and is open to the Community! Come visit us in the Transportation Yard located on Fish Pond Road/Sesame Street

Transit Community Needs Assessment

Standard Operating Procedures

Title VI Form

Title VI Complaint Form


The PoPay Messenger Services provides a demand response transit service to its membership of 2940 enrolled Tribal Members and approximately 11,500 non-Indian Community members living within the confines of Ohkay Owingeh.

“No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Financial Assistance”


*A copy of the full Title VI  agreement between Pueblo & FTA can be obtained at the Planning Department

Should you need to file a complaint please contact:

Human Resources Officer
Ohkay Owingeh
505-852- 4400

serving the community of ohkay owingeh

First come First Serve

We will always try to accomodate our patrons but we run on a first come first serve basis.

Tewa Speaking Drivers

We strive to ensure we always have a Tewa Speaking driver for our elders.

Friendly Drivers

Our goal is patron satisfaction. We want you to enjoy your ride.

Address Pickup

Our drivers can pick you up at any local location when properly scheduled.


Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Proudly Serving Veterans and their families

  To schedule a ride please contact Rainbird Taylor, Dispatcher at:


Popay Messenger Staff

Rainbird Taylor Po'Pay Dispatch/Driver
Joe Montoya Po'Pay Driver
Benny Montoya Po'Pay Driver
Loren Montoya Po'Pay Driver


PO Box 1099
Ohkay Owingeh, NM 87566

Phone (505) 852-4014


Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Physical Location